Digital Food & Beverage Europe Connect 2024

30 September - 1 October, 2024

Sopwell House, St Albans, UK

Silvana Verna

Global Digital & eCommerce Manager Nestlé

Day 2 | 1st October

12:10 PM PANEL INTERACTIVE – DTC conversion rate optimisation: How can you improve UX and personalise digital experiences to turn browsers into loyal repeat buyers?

  • Enhancing the user experience on your DTC platform by optimizing navigation, simplifying the checkout process, and ensuring mobile responsiveness
  • Implementing personalised product recommendations, tailored content, and targeted promotions based on user behaviour and preferences
  • Utilising data analytics to continuously monitor user behaviour, identify pain points, and test hypotheses for improving the DTC user experience
  • Crafting subscription models that focus on convenient, personalized experiences, strengthening customer bonds, and promoting long-term retention

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Silvana.

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